Monday, July 21, 2008


In light of a recent spate of setbacks I have some refreshingly wonderful news to report, my dear friends: My exquisite sedan chair has arrived from my vacation chalet in Turkey.

My custom made litter is photographed here with my sturdy former Turkish man servants, Malik and Mr. Abbas. Sadly these two young Turks perished in a mysterious rock slide a few months ago, shortly before I left that cradle of civilization in rather a hurry.

But I've never been one to dwell in the past, that much need not be said. Team Marge, such as it is, lives for the future!

I am currently making arrangements for my first foray into the town since I've become ensconced in this dreadful burgh.

My plan is to have my recently unreliable assistants, Messieurs Dodger and Karl act as my porters to carry me about the nearby streets so that I can see for myself the task I have set before me. Nay, not task. That is not the appropriate word. Rather the mission I have set before me. For it is with a missionary's fervor that I will attack this city, much as the courageous crusaders attacked the ancestors of poor Malik and Abbas in days of yore.

My first order of business will be to greet my subjects in their natural setting as they scurry about the streets, busily doing all of the things people in their situations do. Then I shall tour the boutiques, the galleries, the spas, the resort areas and the high end dining establishments that the downtown area has to offer.

I expect this expedition to be quite illuminating.

Drat, some of the tubes from my various medical apparati seem to have become entangled and I am starting to feel faint.

I must go now.

'Tis the heart and not the brain that to highest doth attain,
and he who followeth love's behest far excelleth all the rest!


Anonymous said...

Hmmmm. Dodger say his behind hurts from a fallin out that tree. Some folks say butt, I say behind. Hmmm. He don't think he can go totin Marge around tomorree. Hmmm. MDDFT say a tender tush can ruin yer whole weekend. Hmmm. I call it a behind.

atown-liker said...

We will proceed whenever Mr. Dodger feels well enough. Remain in your shed.

atown-liker said...

Indeed it can. I've been meaning to ask you, Karl, whatever happened to those cats.

atown-liker said...

They in the secret room. Hmmmm.

Anonymous said...

Secret room?

Anonymous said...
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