Thursday, July 10, 2008

Furniture shopping

Mere words cannot describe the deplorable condition into which these premises have fallen under the stewardship of my predecessor.

This morning has been spent fumigating, sanitizing, sterilizing, eradicating, pesticizing, irradiating, burying, burning, deodorizing, painting, dismantling and exorcising this building so that it may become habitable. The ever-present Karl is busily chopping and hacking away in the yard with that rusty blade of his. There have been a phalanx cleaners, exterminators, painters, carpenters, iron workers, construction workers, deliverymen, chefs and even a few members of the clergy whipping these headquarters into shape.

Perhaps even a candlestick maker or two will make an appearance! Ho ho! Yes, my dear friends, levity can be of good service in even the most trying of situations.

My own medical personnel, including several highly trained doctors and nurses and various technicians, are occupied with installing themselves and their equipment in the second-floor suite as we speak. My legal team has agreed to live off-premises. They and the doctors are like oil and water together. It can be somewhat tedious.

But now comes the enjoyable part. The Player and I are happily doing some furniture shopping on-line. I have my own delivery system in place, so it won't be long before we are living in a more fitting environment.

Pictured above are some pieces I am considering. Aren't they magnificent? But I wonder if I might have several of those hides sewn into a carpet. I might also like to have some big game heads to stud these walls ....

Oh dear heavens! A high pitched shriek is coming from one of those medical contraptions and suddenly it is becoming increasingly dark in here. I am becoming quite sleepy.

Au revoir, mes amis!


Anonymous said...

Marge, you are a loathesome, despicable woman, if you actually ARE a woman. Your time will come. Mark my words. P.S. Your blog is insipid.

atown-liker said...

Anon 2:22,

Or shall I just call you The Green Guy. You see, I have tracked your IP adress through NORAD to your hiding place in the woods. When Mr. Dodger returns to the lair perhaps I shall send him 'round to have a little chat with you. ... Or shall I send Karl? That might be interesting indeed. He may mistake you poison ivy and chop you to the ground!

Just kidding, of course.

Regards, Marge

Anonymous said...

Nepune sleeps.

Anonymous said...

Nepune sleeps.

atown-liker said...

Though you clumsily sent your message twice, I don't think I quite understand it.

You see, in this little word game you and I play on occasion, you are supposed to say Neptune is dead. And then I say something silly like 'au revoir Neptune.'

So, I assume what you meant to say (and I do realize you were not selected to Team Marge because you are a great thinker), "Neptune is dead."

Anonymous said...

Um ... ixnay? She's, um, prettymuch ... asleep.

atown-liker said...

Is this sleep of Neptune's a permanent sleep?

Anonymous said...

Neptune ... um, well ... heck I don't know. I don't freakin' know, OK? Why does everynbody pick on me all the time, godammit?

Anonymous said...

What the f**k are you two talkin about? Hey, where's my UC. You can't take my UC out and put them stupid ** things in there. Do you know who I am? Jesus says I can say whatever I want because I speak the truth. This is a bunch of s**t. Hey, they did it again!

atown-liker said...

Idiots! Enough! Mr. Dodger, return here at once. Mr. Player, let's discuss your compensation package.

Anonymous said...

Amen to that!

Anonymous said...

You are one sick bastard!!!!!! Is that a poached polar bear sprawled out on your floor? That is illeagal! Think of that beautiful rare creature you`ve just killed and ripped its life away!We`re supposed to save animals- not kill them! MAY YOU ROT IN HELL, YOU DICKHEAD!!!!

atown-liker said...

Poached polar bear sounds rather unappetizing. I should think roasted or in a hearty stew would be more appropriate.