Wednesday, May 25, 2011

70 virgins

Santa! What a surprise. Welcome!

Hey Jesus! I was just in the neighborhood ...

I always have time for Santa Claus. Can I get you anything?

Maybe a little vodka?

I thought we weren't drinking.

OK, wine then.

So what's new?

Same old, same old. ... So how's the Marge thing going?

Bad as ever. ... Demons. What the hell -- am I right?

Totally. You're always right -- you're freakin' Jesus.

Damn straight.

What about those guys you put on it?

Morons. They created an alternate timeline. Now there's two Marges.

I heard. What a mess. ... You know, if you want, I could ... take them out.

Wow. That's really sweet, dude. But we are working on your anger issues. Remember?

I know, I know. ... Just sayin'. ... So, um, howabout that Rapture?

Talk about screw ups! Charlie foxtrot from the get-go.

Did you reschedule?

I don't know. ... Maybe in about five months. Who knows?

Hmm. That's kind of my busy season.

Yeah, it is isn't it? .... Don't worry about it, dude. The Rapture is officially on the back burner until this Marge fiasco gets settled.


What is it, Bubbles?

There's a man at the gate inquiring about 70 virgins.

Virgins? Tell him he came to the wrong gate.

Excuse me?