I am a little angel! Two hours have passed as the ghost of the adult Maximillian A. Bear Jr. explains in detail what the the ghost of the boy Maximillian A. Bear Jr. and his friends must do to destroy Marge. However, as both Maxes feared, the convergence of their spirits has triggered some unearthly phenomena.

This is where I come in sweetie. You see, bad things are happening here. Nasty stuff. You hear that thunder? It's not thunder at all -- you see, a sixth-dimensional rift is about to open any second that could obliterate this entire timeline. And all of these folks here might just find themselves in my neck of the woods. This is freakin' awesome!

Oh, stop! In truth neither of us know what may happen exactly, but that the consequences would be dire. Ah, look. The seance is about to end and not a moment too soon.

Let's scram, toots!

I can stay no longer. My presence here may trigger forces that are beyond our control. Good luck, my little polar bear self. And remember always: Marge must be destroyed. Oh, and the aromatic herbs were a nice touch.

I understand, gentle spirit. Return now in peace to your resting place. The seance is concluded. Truman, blow out the candles quickly and everyone break the circle. I told you he would like the herbs.

Hmmmm. I reckon the green feller already broke the circle when he disappeared. Hmmmm.

Disappeared! How? My God, what has happened to him?

I saw it myself. There was a flash of light and -- POOF! -- the Green Guy disappeared just as I blew out the candles.

Hmmmm. I reckon havin them two Maxes around here opened a sixth dimensional rift in our reality and the green feller got hisself sucked into it. Hmmmmm. I reckon he been pulled into
Parallel Time.
ZZZZZZZZZzzzz. Huh! Is it over? ... Oh, hi Marge.
Greetings, all. I am home. What's for dinner? Oh, silly me. YOU ARE!

Damn! She's HUGE. POOF!

Marge! I believe I have an appointment of some sort. POOF!

Karl! Miss Emily! To the secret room! Run for your lives! Truman, come back!

Hmmmm. Stand behind me Miss Emily. I'll protect ye. I reckon I gotta kill ol' Marge. Hmmmm. She look kinda funny bein' nine foots tall.
Are you looking for this Keyser blade of yours Karl? Or should I call it a sling blade? I rather think you will look "funny" with it protruding from your a ... Good heavens! The polar bear rugs have come alive and are biting my ankles. I shall make short work of them with this blade .... 
Truman, thank you for coming back. Now quickly, everyone, to the secret room!

Don't mention it, Max. It's sort of fun being a polar bear rug!
MARGE! Gurgle.

Is that it? WTF? Well, I like the giant Marge at least. And the sea monster.

I like the little polar bear. He's so cute!

Oh, shut up.
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