Friday, November 14, 2008

You ... have doomed Allentown to destruction

Good Lord, everything is ruined. Everything we have planned for so long has gone for naught. Marge will live and she will destroy everything in her path, including Allentown.... And it is your fault. You and your blasted crows have doomed Allentown to destruction.

I'm terribly sorry Mr. Bear, I truly am. But there must be another way to kill Marge without destroying the crows. These are noble, mythical creatures who seek to foster harmony between man and heaven.

Spare me your inane lecture, you toad. All is lost and the fault lies squarely on your frail green shoulders.

Well, I ...

But father, wait a moment. Remember when I lived in the future and I contacted to my own ghost in the seance? I told myself that you were actually killed when you executed this very attempt on Marge's life. You fell into the canyon and died. However, this time you were spared -- saved by the crows.

It is true. You were saved by the crows. If we were able to change your history, perhaps we can still stop Marge.

You know, she is just standing there at the bottom of this canyon, talking with Truman. Perhaps we could....

Caw, caw!

The crows say no. They say we must go to Lithuania.

Caw, caw!

I'm sorry. Romania. The crows want us to travel to 21st century Romania.

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