Karl, what is happening outside of the elevator?
Them crows is peckin on ol' Bramwell purty good. Hmm mm.
I am running out of time. ... You must escape quickly! Truman, bounce your balls as you've never bounced them before!
Roger alpha tango!!
We could all do with a little less tango, Truman. We's a movin'. Hmm.
And rather swiftly at that. Oh, I don't have a good feeling about this.
When have you ever had a good feeling about anything, toad? You should be ashamed of your cowardice in light of the supreme sacrifice Mr. Bramwell has made for our sake.
Hmmm. Too late. He a'fainted again. Mmm.
We do seem to be travelling rather swiftly this time. Perhaps, Truman, you could bounce your balls a little less furiously.
Hmm. You oughtter throttle back on them little fellers.
Hey Marge. There's a note addressed to ya in ol' Bramwell's bag. Hmm.
Don't call me Marge! ... "Open in the event of my demise, Bramwell B. Bramwell, Esq." ... Oh my! Bramwell says we must follow interdimensional protocol if we are to be successful in our quest. Here is a list of rules.
What do we have to do?
Ah, you are awake. ... Well, first we must change our uniforms to the ones provided in this bag.
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