Thursday, April 22, 2010

We are on a mission to save Allentown

Is this absurd apparel absolutely necessary?

My dear Mrs. Egram, inter-dimensional travel is fraught with danger. These uniforms will offer us some protection.

If you ask me these ensembles are preposterous ... not to mention somewhat risque.

Mrs. Egram, I think the uniform agrees with you. You look stunning!

Oh, Mr. Bramwell. Tee hee.

I reckon I look like some kinda sissy in this getup. Mmm hmmm.

Yes, you do. ... I think my suit, however, is quite fetching. I feel as snug as a bug in a rug in this comfy codpiece.

Spare me your perverse observations, Truman. I feel like some ridiculous lizard in this costume.

If, as they say, the shoe fits ...

Now if everyone would listen to me carefully. We will proceed to the underground tattoo parlor, where we first met.

You mean the comfort station. I thought you told us the comfort station was not the portal to Parallel Time.

The portal is not in the comfort station, but it is nearby. If you would stop toying with your codpiece long enough to listen to me, you might know that.

Oh, fine. Talk.

In this timeline we do not do our inter-dimensional travel in toilets, sir. We use the I Ching elevator. We must proceed quickly past the tattoo parlor and into the elevator without arousing the suspicions of Carrot Top.

And if we do arouse his suspicions?

Then I shall deal with him myself. ... Once aboard the elevator, we shall use the I Ching paddles to harness the energy of inter-dimensional space to begin our journey.

Oh, the paddles. How long will it take?

That cannot be known. But once the elevator has stopped we will need to open the doors to see if we are in the correct universe and timeline. If we are not in the right place, we must seal the doors immediately and start again. I cannot begin to describe to you the dangers that may await us if we travel into the wrong time.

Sir, we are on a mission to save Allentown. Nothing shall dissuade us.

You know, I'm starting to miss the other Marge.

All right. My dear lady and gentlemen, it is time to assemble.


1 comment:

michael molovinsky said...

look luck with the mission, but i think you would have to go back in time, just another dimension might not do it.