Monday, October 20, 2008

A brief dispatch

Hello all. I shall keep this dispatch brief as we have crucial work to accomplish.

We have safely alighted in Japan after an arduous journey marked by the near constant complaints of Truman, our polar bear flying carpet. Using Marge's photo of herself and her brother being transported via rickshaw in the Japanese countryside in the year of our Lord 1868 we have found the exact spot where we shall trigger our rock slide.

Evidently Marge engaged in subterfuge when describing that photo on her usurped blog. She said it depicted herself along with a nanny and two menservants. In actuality Marge is the nanny in the photo and her brother Ronan is dressed as the little girl. Apparently Marge wanted to erase all evidence of her brother's existence.

But no matter. Our rocks are arranged in concentric piles from smaller to larger as we await the arrival of the rickshaw. In the failed attempt to bury Marge under the rocks in another timeline I had erred by using rocks that were too small. As a result, Marge and Ronan were not killed, but took shelter in a cave, where Marge subsequently consumed her brother.

In this attempt we are using bigger rocks, and Karl has already blocked the entrance to the cave with a large boulder. This time there shall be no failure. I believe the subsequent rockslide will be violent enough to kill both Marge and her adopted brother, a minor Celtic demon. In this we, if I may be permitted a bit of levity, we shall be able to kill two birds with one stone, or in this case with seven concentric piles of stones graded from small to large.

Ow! A crow has just pecked the top of my head! It should be noted that our expedition has been increasingly plagued by crows since we arrived. Corvids are sometimes considered sacred messengers among the Japanese. Let us hope the message they carry for our party is a happy one.


Maxwell A. Bear Sr., demon hunter.

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