Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Dude, seriously?


Jeez-oh-wiz, Tebow! Suck it up!

Bwaaah! My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?

Dude, chill. Nobody has forsaken anybody. It's just a game!

Didn't you read my eyeblack? Psalm 23: "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want."

I saw it, dude, and I totally appreciate it. I really do. But it's just a game. ... Consider it a test of your character. Remember Job?


Dude! Did I teach you to be such a wuss?

Ahem. Sir? Maybe I can be of assistance.

Go for it dude. I can't get through to the guy. But no rough stuff, OK?

No, sir. That's all behind me now. ... Listen Timmy, I know an SEC Championship and and a BCS Championship were on your Christmas list, not to mention another Heisman, but maybe there's something else I can bring you?

Bwaaaaaah! ... Well, maybe. ... Sniff. Can I whisper it in your ear? I don't want Jesus to hear.


Psssst, psss. Sniff. Pssst.


Dude, seriously?


Anonymous said...

Hey Liker, better watch out. Steven Seagull is gonna bust your a**. You know he's really a crow, right? I think he's secretly working for Newman.

Chris Casey said...

Liker! Tebow is a virgin! He has no clue what to do with that!

Sanctifying Grace said...

"It rubs the lotion on its skin, or else it gets the hose again."

Buffalo Bill, Silence of the Lambs

Peace, ~~Alex