Saturday, February 16, 2008

What's all this fuss about Riverdance?

Guest blog by Miss Emily Litella
What's all this fuss I keep hearing about Riverdance in Easton?
All this complaining about those nice Irish dancers? I just don't understand it. And why are they trying to put them in a flood plain? All of those beautiful costumes will get ruined! And how are we supposed to hear that nice Irish music with all those noisy LANTA buses coming in and out and in and out? I just don't understand it! And another thing, they paid all that money and now they want a smaller Riverdance? That's just not fair! I'm so angry I just don't know what else to say. Thank you.


atown-liker said...

Emily, it's Riverwalk, not Riverdance. Riverwalk is a big condominium project/bus depot/parking garage. There's no Irish dancing involved.

Anonymous said...

Oh. Well, that's very different. Nevermind.