Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Normally I'd have eaten you by now

If you don't apologize, you shall suffer the wrath of the Really Big Crows! Caw!

You're the only crow I see around here and you aren't all that big.

Caw! You threaten Lord Bramwell's No. 1 hench-crow?

Normally I'd have eaten you by now, but since I've been in this transphasic bubble I have no need for sustenance.

Caw! How dare you! You shall be punished for your impudence!

I ate a crow once, you know. On the elevator. His name was Gorgon.

Gorgon was my father! Caw! You shall pay with your life!

Shut up, birdbrain. I hear something rumbling.

The bubble is shaking!

I think it's about to pop!


Monday, July 12, 2010

I never liked Bramwell

Hey! What the goddam hell did you bastards do to my bear???

Is Santa Claus ... shooting at us?

He's hit the destabilizer! Caw!


My hench-crow has vanished!


Who are you?

Caw! Where am I?

You're in a transphasic bubble trapped somewhere between time and space.

Caw! Lousy made-in-China polar destabilizer!

Aren't you one of the Really Big Crows that killed Bramwell?

Caw! You're from the elevator! ... Oh, no! Lord Bramwell is our leader. We only pretended to kill him.

What happened to my friends on the elevator?

They're probably dead. Lord Bramwell said they were of no importance.

I never liked Bramwell.

Caw! It is forbidden to speak ill of Lord Bramwell! You must apologize!

And if I don't?

Friday, July 9, 2010

I thought he was a myth

North Pole, Realm of the Really Big Crows

We must set to work quickly. The transpolar destabilizer does not function well in extreme cold.

Caw! You would think transpolar destabilizers would be made to work in polar conditions.

Alas, made in China. The transphasic vibration coils are made of lead, which reacts poorly to extreme cold.

Freakin' China! ... Caw! I don't like the looks of that polar bear, Lord Bramwell. I think he's stalking us.

There's always a polar bear. ... Ignore it. We are of no interest to him. ... According to my calculations, if we activate the transpolar destabilizer at this spot, we shall emerge at the South Pole of Parallel Time very near the transphasic bubble that confines the Great White Crow in the polar ice.

How will we free him?

We shall, of course, adjust the polarity on the destabilizer until we find a time wave frequency that will evaporate the bubble from within.

Of course, Lord Bramwell. You are wise. ... Caw! The polar bear! ... He's taken the destabilizer!

I shall subdue the bear and retrieve the destabilizer. You start the generator.

Yes, Lord Bramwell.

There, now. The bear will awaken none the worse for the wear with nothing more than a slight headache. ... Begin the polar destabilzation sequence.

You are kind and merciful, Lord Bramwell.

Now shut up. The destabilizer is armed! The polar destabilization sequence has begun! Prepare yourself!


Hey! What the goddam hell did you bastards do to my bear???

Caw! Santa Claus! I thought he was a myth.

Is he ... shooting at us?

He's hit the destabilizer! Caw!